Getting a good night’s sleep is more than just a luxury; it’s a cornerstone of health, affecting our mind, mood, and well-being.

But for many, especially as we get older, finding that peaceful sleep feels like fighting a losing battle against restless nights. 

This struggle usually sends people on a search for alternatives.

Two of the most popular natural sleep aids are valerian root and melatonin.

While many lean on melatonin for its role in our natural sleep rhythms, valerian root might be the more suitable ingredient for sleep.

Understanding Valerian Root and Melatonin

Let’s take a closer look at these two sleep ingredients, highlighting the benefits of both, and answering the question of which one you should take for better sleep.

Valerian Root: A Time-Tested Sleep Aid

Valerian root isn’t just any plant. It’s been a trusted ally in the battle against sleepless nights for centuries, with a history that stretches back to ancient Greece and Rome. 

People back then believed in its power to soothe the restless mind, and it seems they were onto something. 

Today, valerian root is like the wise elder of herbal remedies, respected in modern natural medicine for its gentle touch in easing us into slumber.

But how does it work its magic? 

When we welcome valerian root into our nightly routine, it gets right to work, helping to calm the nervous system. 

Melatonin: Our Body’s Natural Nightcap

Melatonin is a bit like the body’s own bedtime bell, signaling it’s time to wind down and drift off. 

Produced in the brain when the lights dim, this natural hormone plays a crucial role in setting our internal clock, telling us when it’s time to sleep and when it’s time to wake.

For those nights when sleep seems just out of reach, supplemental melatonin steps in like a helpful nudge, aiming to realign our body’s natural rhythm. 

It’s especially handy for when our schedules are thrown off—like with jet lag or those late nights that disrupt our usual routine. 

By adding a bit of melatonin to our evening regimen, we’re essentially trying to give our internal clock a gentle reset, helping our body understand that despite the disruptions, it’s time for rest.

But, when it comes to melatonin, could too much of a good thing be bad?

Benefits of Valerian Root Over Melatonin

Here are some of the reasons why you might want to choose valerian root over melatonin for a better night’s sleep:

Effectiveness in Promoting Sleep

When it comes to ushering in a good night’s sleep, valerian root stands out for its gentle yet effective approach. 

Studies have shown that valerian root can significantly improve sleep quality, making it easier to fall asleep and ensuring that sleep is more restorative and less interrupted. [1]

It works by easing the mind and body, setting the stage for a peaceful night without the abruptness that some sleep aids can bring.

In contrast, while melatonin is effective in signaling to the body that it’s bedtime, especially in adjusting the body’s internal clock, it may not always improve the quality of sleep itself. 

Some find that melatonin helps them fall asleep but doesn’t necessarily keep them asleep throughout the night. [2]

Here, valerian root shines by not only helping users drift off but also maintaining a deeper sleep state, making it a strong contender for those who struggle with waking up during the night.

Side Effects and Safety

Navigating the world of sleep aids often comes with concerns about side effects, and this is where valerian root again edges ahead. 

Generally, valerian root is well-tolerated by most, with fewer and less severe side effects compared to conventional sleep medications and even melatonin. 

While some may experience mild effects like dizziness or drowsiness, these are typically less intense and less common than the potential grogginess or disorientation associated with melatonin.

This safety profile makes valerian root an appealing choice, particularly for older adults who might be more sensitive to substances that can alter mood, cognitive function, or coordination.

Long-Term Use and Dependency

One of the biggest concerns with any sleep aid is the risk of becoming reliant on it to catch some Zs. 

Here, valerian root’s natural composition and gentle action come into play, offering a solution that’s less likely to lead to dependency or a build-up of tolerance over time. 

Unlike many pharmacological options and even melatonin to some extent, where the body might start needing more to achieve the same effect, valerian root maintains its efficacy, making it a sustainable option for long-term use.

Research and anecdotal evidence suggest that valerian root can be used over extended periods without the same risk of dependency or decreased effectiveness.

This makes it a standout choice for those looking for a sleep aid that they can incorporate into their nightly routine without worrying about future complications or the need for increasing dosages.

Melatonin’s Role and Limitations

As mentioned above, melatonin plays a crucial role in our natural sleep-wake cycle, acting as the body’s signal for bedtime. 

Its supplemental form can be particularly beneficial in specific circumstances where our internal clock is out of sync. 

For instance, melatonin supplements are often recommended for managing jet lag, as they can help reset the body’s internal clock to a new time zone more quickly. 

Similarly, for shift workers who need to alter their sleep schedules drastically, melatonin can provide the necessary nudge to realign their sleep patterns according to their work demands.

Limitations of Melatonin

Despite its benefits, melatonin is not a one-size-fits-all solution and comes with its own set of limitations. 

One significant concern is the potential for melatonin to disrupt the natural sleep-wake cycle if used inappropriately. 

Unlike valerian root, which enhances the body’s natural processes to encourage sleep, melatonin directly signals the brain that it’s time to sleep, which can become problematic if the timing of the supplement doesn’t align with the body’s natural rhythm. 

This misalignment can lead to a cycle of dependency on melatonin to initiate sleep, potentially making it harder to fall asleep without it.

Comparative Drawbacks

When compared to valerian root, melatonin’s limitations become more pronounced, particularly in terms of consistency and side effects. 

Research indicates that melatonin’s effectiveness can vary significantly from person to person, leading to less predictable outcomes. 

Some users report little to no improvement in sleep quality, while others may experience a more pronounced effect. 

Furthermore, melatonin is more likely to be associated with side effects such as morning grogginess, mood changes, or even disruptions in the menstrual cycle, making it a less appealing option for those sensitive to such impacts.

In contrast, valerian root offers a more consistent and gentle approach to improving sleep, with fewer reported side effects and a lower risk of disrupting the body’s natural processes. 

This makes valerian root a potentially more reliable and safer option for those seeking a natural aid to enhance their sleep quality without the drawbacks associated with melatonin.

Can You Take Valerian Root and Melatonin Together?

While the idea of combining these two might appear appealing for a more comprehensive approach to sleep support, there’s growing awareness about the potential for dependency with prolonged melatonin use. 

Unlike melatonin, valerian root offers a soothing pathway to sleep without the same risk of becoming a crutch your body expects each night. 

This makes valerian root an attractive primary choice for those seeking a natural sleep aid with a lower likelihood of dependency.

Integrating Valerian Root into Your Sleep Routine

Looking for an easy way to start incorporating valerian root into your sleep routine?

Introducing Sleep Revive.

Crafted with a potent blend of nature’s finest, including the revered valerian root, Sleep Revive is designed to guide you gently into a deep, restorative sleep, ensuring you wake up feeling refreshed and revitalized.

Why Choose Sleep Revive?

Sleep Revive distinguishes itself through its distinctive formulation, blending the time-honored benefits of valerian root with the latest advancements in sleep science.

Every capsule delivers a harmonious blend of ingredients specifically chosen for their sleep-promoting properties:

Valerian Root: At the heart of Sleep Revive, valerian root works to calm the mind and body, setting the stage for a peaceful transition to sleep.

Rutaecarpine: This innovative addition helps your body wind down by counteracting caffeine’s effects, ensuring nothing stands in the way of your rest.

Lemon Balm: Known for its soothing properties, lemon balm complements valerian root by easing stress and promoting relaxation.

Magnesium: An essential mineral that supports deep, restorative sleep by maintaining healthy levels of GABA, a neurotransmitter that promotes relaxation.

Making Sleep Revive a part of your bedtime ritual is simple and seamless. 

Just take a capsule with a glass of water about 30 minutes before you wish to sleep. 

With Sleep Revive, you’re not just taking a supplement; you’re embracing a holistic approach to nighttime wellness. 

Its carefully selected ingredients, including valerian root, work together to not only help you fall asleep but to enhance the quality of your sleep, ensuring you gain the restorative benefits that only true, deep sleep can provide.

Try Sleep Revive today for a better tonight.


  1. Shinjyo N, Waddell G, Green J. Valerian Root in Treating Sleep Problems and Associated Disorders-A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. J Evid Based Integr Med. 2020 Jan-Dec;25:2515690X20967323. doi: 10.1177/2515690X20967323. PMID: 33086877; PMCID: PMC7585905.
  2. Costello RB, Lentino CV, Boyd CC, O’Connell ML, Crawford CC, Sprengel ML, Deuster PA. The effectiveness of melatonin for promoting healthy sleep: a rapid evidence assessment of the literature. Nutr J. 2014 Nov 7;13:106. doi: 10.1186/1475-2891-13-106. PMID: 25380732; PMCID: PMC4273450.